Friday, March 14, 2014


In my absence, Ms. Florence and Ms. Faby took over yesterday. They worked on their printing skills and they did an amazing job!  Ms. Florence helped in the geography area where the children needed more knowledge on identifying latitude/longitude, the prime meridian, and the equator. We will continue to work on this area. Today, the PM class filled in the blanks, identifying and geographically labeling our spherical planet Earth.

For ELA, the children were introduced to "andbutorfornoryetso", conjunctions: and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so. The made-up word helped me as a child remember what conjunctions were and I wanted to share it with the children. All recess long, it's all I heard, "Oh, Ms. Lani......andbutorfornoryetso!"  I apologize in advance if your child is continuously chanting this at the dinner table. Speaking of which -- although it isn't part of our curriculum -- I have also begun teaching the children good table manners. I hope they're practicing it at home.

There will be no library day as one of our student's parent-volunteer will be coming in to our class -- after spelling -- to read to us :) Thank you, dear parent-volunteer! :)

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