Friday, March 14, 2014


In my absence, Ms. Florence and Ms. Faby took over yesterday. They worked on their printing skills and they did an amazing job!  Ms. Florence helped in the geography area where the children needed more knowledge on identifying latitude/longitude, the prime meridian, and the equator. We will continue to work on this area. Today, the PM class filled in the blanks, identifying and geographically labeling our spherical planet Earth.

For ELA, the children were introduced to "andbutorfornoryetso", conjunctions: and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so. The made-up word helped me as a child remember what conjunctions were and I wanted to share it with the children. All recess long, it's all I heard, "Oh, Ms. Lani......andbutorfornoryetso!"  I apologize in advance if your child is continuously chanting this at the dinner table. Speaking of which -- although it isn't part of our curriculum -- I have also begun teaching the children good table manners. I hope they're practicing it at home.

There will be no library day as one of our student's parent-volunteer will be coming in to our class -- after spelling -- to read to us :) Thank you, dear parent-volunteer! :)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014

I will be absent tomorrow, Wednesday, and will be back on Thursday.  In my absence, the children will be given assignments either from the whiteboard, or from the teacher that will be substituting for me.  I have instructed the children what to do, assignment-wise, on the whiteboard. For homework, they can do the next section in their Comprehension workbooks.

Any questions may be directed to me via email, or you may wait until Thursday.

We will not be going to the library this Friday. If next week Friday is not a repeat of last week's "Library Friday", we will be going. Please continue to look here, or look for notes on our bulletin board for any updates.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014

Please look in the Education Links board frequently for any updated on what the children are learning. There were questions/concerns about adverbs that were brought up both by students and parents. You will find trusted links that will help you and your child with class/homework when talking about adverbs.

I have given a little group quiz on the Great Lakes States and their capitals with AM I and II. They are still struggling, so please look at the geography map and print it out so they can study. PM I and II seem to be doing okay, but I may give a quiz between this week and next (when time allows it). Please voice your concerns via email:  thanks!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 2014

Below you will find Mr. Efren's Spanish homework. The children know exactly what the assignment is.
In regards to Valentine's Day:
Card exchange -- 25 children. Have your child write who it's "from" not who the cards are for.
Snacks -- This is optional. I will provide juice drinks. The only "junk" food we will except are chips; healthy choices are best (fruits, veggies/dips, "rolls" (e.g. a jelly-filled tortilla rolled up), granola bars, etc.)
There will be no Valentine program for our age group. We did not have enough time to practice, but we will be putting on a DVD, "Despicable Me 2".
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Valentine's Day Pajama Day

We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Friday, February 14. Please keep coming back here to see the update on the upcoming event. I will discuss it with Ms. Vangie as the children have shown an interest in having a party.

If you wish to have your child pass out cards, and they want to write a special message, please make sure that they write appropriate messages in them (we highly discourage grown-up-like messages such as "I love you" or "Will you be mine?" to the opposite sex). We have 22 children, and possibly three more joining us (undetermined); therefore, to be on the safe side, 25 kids would be the appropriate amount.

I would like to make Valentine's Day a Pajama Day for us, too. We'll have movies and popcorn as a special treat from me and Ms. Vangie. I am looking into showing Despicable Me 2, it is rated PG. Let me know if you are uncomfortable with us showing the movie.

UPDATE: February 6, 2014
I spoke with Ms. Vangie, and she has agreed on Valentine's for next week Friday, the 14th. If you so wish, please have your child prepare Valentine cards for each student addressing who it's from (your child) rather than writing who it's for (to:_____). It is much easier for the children to just pass them out to each of their friends in the least amount of time. Please make sure your children have enough for 25 children.

We will start Despicable Me 2 at about 9:30am, and then we'll pass out the cards after our 10:30 snack. We are okay with a snack party for the children. You may bring in healthy snacks if you want to contribute. We have 25 children.

We will NOT be having Pajama Day due to our classroom being cold. Please have your child dress in red or pink on that day instead. We are planning on singing a short song in front of our friends at NLMS, Redmond.

If there are any questions, please email me. :) Thanks, Ms. Leilani